CAC Parent and Student Resources
The Parents of the Community Advisory Committee are committed to providing resources for families to access more information regarding disabilities, special education requirements, and areas of support. Listed below are resources meant to assist families and care providers:
Family Resource Network's Newsletters has information on the Annual Early Start Symposium, Upcoming FRN workshops, Spanish language resources and learning opportunities, new library resources, and much more! Here's the link to the newsletter:

Conservatorships, Trusts, and Wills for People with Developmental or Other Disabilities
A Guide for Youth with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood in California
Great information regarding learning activities, educational topics, and resources for care providers and students
This new website has been designed to serve as a parent-friendly hub to expand outreach and enhance public access.
General Information: Overview, history of the FEC grant expansion, and funding information.
Spotlight on the FECs: Learn about the incredible work being done by each FEC across California.
Easy Access to Find an FEC: Discover how to connect with the FEC serving a specific region.
Family Support: General parent support and a "Getting Started" with highlighted references.
Early Start - assists with early intervention programs from birth-36 months
SCDD Area North Valley Hills (State Council on Developmental Disabilities)
NORCAL Center on Deafness, Modesto - Deaf Counseling, Advocacy, and Referral Agency
California School for the Deaf - Classes, Services, Outreach and much more
Sign Language Classes
NorCal services for Deaf & Hard of Hearing email: